63-64 flat-#c, Taly office Road, Rayer Bazar, Hajaribagh – 达卡 – 孟加拉国 | +880 1742141307 | |
http://www.starklinkorg.wordpress.com/www.starklink.itrademarket.com | ||
食品 > 鱼,罐头鱼,鲜鱼,冷冻..应用 食品 > 其他 |
达卡 (孟加拉国) - 巴哈瓦尔布尔 (巴基斯坦) | 达卡 (孟加拉国) - 巴基西梅托 (委内瑞拉) |
达卡 (孟加拉国) - 蒙得维的亚 (乌拉圭) | 达卡 (孟加拉国) - 乔治敦 (圭亚那) |
达卡 (孟加拉国) - 乌兰巴托 (蒙古) | 达卡 (孟加拉国) - 帕拉马里博 (苏里南) |
达卡 (孟加拉国) - 巴里萨尔 (孟加拉国) | 达卡 (孟加拉国) - 阿雷基帕 (秘鲁) |
达卡 (孟加拉国) - 安山 (韩国) | 达卡 (孟加拉国) - 加德满都 (尼泊尔) |
达卡 (孟加拉国) - 布宜诺斯艾利斯 (阿根廷) | 达卡 (孟加拉国) - 帝力 (东帝汶) |
达卡 (孟加拉国) - 昆卡 (厄瓜多尔) | 达卡 (孟加拉国) - 贝伦 (巴西) |
达卡 (孟加拉国) - 马累 (马尔代夫) | 达卡 (孟加拉国) - 阿格拉 (印) |
达卡 (孟加拉国) - 平壤 (北朝鲜) | 达卡 (孟加拉国) - 亚美尼亚 (哥伦比亚) |
达卡 (孟加拉国) - 廷布 (不丹) | 达卡 (孟加拉国) - 科伦坡 (斯里兰卡) |
达卡 (孟加拉国) - 千叶 (日本的) | 达卡 (孟加拉国) - 基多 (巴拉圭) |
达卡 (孟加拉国) - 安托法加斯塔 (智利) | 达卡 (孟加拉国) - 科恰班巴 (玻利维亚) |
From the time immemorial, the shining blue water of the mighty Bay of Bengal and its long coast line have been nurturing vast sea resources. Surroundings and hinterland of the longest sandy sea beach of the world Cox's Bazar bear further concentration of quiality shrimps. Nature is absolutely virgin here and pollution miles away resulting freshness all the way.
Our Commitment:
As freshness is the "Key" due to natural advantage of location, quality is the first commitment of GSFL by its high professionalism. Supported by the modern logistics, quality is maintained right from the source point, transportation, cold chain, de-heading under one roof until shipment at proper temperature. Thus, in each and every step, minute details of HACCP quality system are implemented to ensure uniform production in appearence, flavour, texture, size, weight etc. under the close surveillance of a fully equipped in-house laboratory. The plant has its own laboratory to carry out bacteriological tests and analyses on daily basis. In addition, trained inspectors from the sanitary and health wing of the government's fish inspection and quality control department conduct regular inspections of the plant. Finally, every consignment is subject to comprehansive inspection both at the plant and the load port, by Lloyds or SGS.
Our Brands:
Our pride brand SUNFLOWER is highly rated in the market of Japan, USA, Europe, South East Asia and Middle East, bearing USFDA Code: BC 31 . It is green ticketed for shipment to North America. Another brand LOTTO is a top favourite in the market of Australia and Oceania. It is also rapidly gaining popularity in other international markets.
Cat tiger, Red tiger, Craps, any kind of Shimp,